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How Automotive Giants Have Leveraged the Power of AWS

AWS provides the tools, infrastructure, and services that enable automotive companies to develop innovative new products faster than ever. In essence, AWS is a cloud provider that allows companies to rent computing power, storage space, and software delivered over the internet without purchasing or maintaining hardware. As such, it makes it easier for companies to build, launch, and operate applications on the internet.

Application Areas of AWS for the Automotive Industry

1. Autonomous Mobility

The biggest disruption in the automotive industry to date is autonomous mobility. From self-driving cars to fleets of trucks, autonomous mobility is changing how we get from point X to point Y or move goods from one place to another. AWS offers a well-suited solution backed by scalable computing, deep learning frameworks, and advanced analytics frameworks for helping automotive companies leverage this technology.

2. Connected Mobility

Connected mobility is another significant segment of the automotive industry. IoT connects various automotive components, such as digital dashboards, wireless charging stations, etc. AWS Connected Mobility Solution helps companies innovate faster by leveraging proven architectural patterns and adding software modules to accommodate IoT edge computing, APIs, lifecycle management, etc., — all while reducing costs.

3. Digital Customer Engagement

For automotive giants, digital customer engagement is key to their business success. AWS can help make it easier for companies to offer customers a seamless web experience across multiple devices.

Companies can personalize their website and mobile app experiences based on customers’ previous purchases and preferences through AWS technologies, including Amazon CloudFront and Amazon Cognito. They can also send push notifications to customers when they’re nearby a store or during sales or promotional campaigns.

4. Software-Defined Vehicle

A software-defined vehicle is equipped with software and sensors to sense information about the environment around it. This can include everything from traffic lights to other vehicles. The information can be analyzed and used to determine how best to navigate within the environment, such as avoiding collisions or finding an optimal route based on traffic patterns. AWS proves immensely viable here for creating a secure data access layer, driving over-the-air (OTA) updates for vehicle functions, and more.

5. Automotive Manufacturing

Automotive companies can benefit from AWS’s capabilities in manufacturing and supply chain optimization. For example, when a car is being made, it’s important to know exactly where it is at all times—and that information is only as accurate as the data you have to work with. AWS provides manufacturers with the tools they need to track their products throughout their entire lifecycle, ensuring that parts can be tracked at every step. This helps manufacturers ensure they get the right part at the right time and minimize production errors.

6. Supply Chain

Automotive giants are often responsible for managing their supply chains—from manufacturing raw materials to shipping finished products to customers. Favorably, AWS can help streamline this process by providing real-time information about the product’s location at any given time across all stages of production, so you don’t run into any issues down the line (such as delays caused by miscommunication between different departments).

7. Product Engineering

AWS is perfect for product engineering because it allows you to build and deliver your product in a scalable way. It can enable you to build your product using the right tools at the right scale. You can also use AWS to manage your data, integrate your products with other systems, and create reports that help you make better decisions.

How Automotive Giants Have Leveraged the Power of AWS

1. Toyota Research Institute builds an automatic map generation platform

Toyota Research Institute used AWS to build an automatic map-generation platform. This platform can automatically create maps by analyzing images, GPS coordinates, and other sensor data. The platform is currently used for self-driving cars but also has applications in many other areas, such as telecommunications, robotics, and analytics.

2. BMW Group Built a Data Lake on AWS

The BMW Group is the finest example of an organization that has built a data lake on AWS. Company data had to be stored and managed in a scalable way. It was also necessary to provide access to that data for its employees across the globe. With AWS, BMW was able to create a data lake that could scale with the company’s needs and help its employees collaborate on projects from any location.

3. Rivian Runs Powerful Simulations on AWS 

Rivian is a new automotive company that has been making waves in the industry with its innovative approach to design and engineering. Rivian has been using AWS to run powerful simulations on its current lines of electric vehicles to ensure their safety while being as efficient as possible. Rivian uses this data to inform its decision-making process, which is critical for a company that aims to construct the most innovative vehicles on the market.

4. Lyft Increases Simulation Capacity and Lowers Costs

Lyft uses simulation software on AWS to improve customer experience and increase its capacity. Lyft’s engineers originally built the software, but it became too expensive for Lyft to maintain the codebase as the company grew. When they started using AWS, they were able to reduce costs while increasing capacity fivefold.

The new version of the simulation software is flexible and scalable because it runs on top of AWS Lambda Functions. This service allows developers to run code without managing servers or other infrastructure. As a result, Lyft no longer has to pay for servers or data centers. This feature allows them to save money by reducing hardware costs. It further empowers them to scale up quickly when demand suddenly spikes.

5. Ferrari Powers Innovation on the Road and Track with AWS

AWS is Ferrari’s Official Cloud Provider for Road and Track Innovation. Ferrari aims to build the world’s most luxurious, high-performance cars. To do this, Ferrari relies on cloud computing.

The automaker relies on AWS’s flexible cloud platform to support its fast-growing digital business and manage a growing number of connected devices in multiple locations worldwide. With AWS, Ferrari can securely store, analyze, and process petabytes of data from millions of sensors across their cars in real-time—enabling them to improve vehicle design, increase reliability and deliver an even better driving experience for their customers.


Talking about the future of mobility, automakers have begun to explore the role that cloud computing can play in developing connected cars. From telematics to infotainment and autonomous cars with active driver assistance, auto manufacturers continue to see greater benefits of cloud deployment in their overall business strategy.

To get started with AWS, connect with experts at Ascentt today!

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